Vittorio casamonica bio

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    The Casamonica clan was associated with racketeering, extortion and usury for decades, with very little public exposure until a lavish funeral for crime boss Vittorio Casamonica caused outrage in The clan is known for ostentatious funerals and garishly decorated villas.

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    Italy reacted with disgust last week to the lavish funeral procession held for alleged Mafia boss Vittorio Casamonica, including a gilded horse-drawn carriage procession.

    Luciano casamonica

  • Prosecutors have never described the Casamonicas as a “mafia” family in the classic sense, but have said they are the richest and most dangerous local gangsters in Rome with a patrimony of more than 90 million euros ($ million), much of it obtained through loansharking.
    1. The Casamonica clan is an Italian criminal organization present in Rome and operating in the area of the Castelli Romani and the Lazio coast.
    Mourners surround an ornate hearse, pulled by six black-plumed horses, carrying the body of Vittorio Casamonica to the Rome suburbs where his funeral Mass was celebrated on August 20th.
      By Cindy Wooden.
    Officials identified him as one of the leaders of the Casamonica clan, which has been accused of racketeering, extortion and drug trafficking. A banner showing Vittorio Casamonica and reading.
      Italy's state broadcaster is under fire for inviting relatives of an alleged mafia boss to speak on its flagship current affairs show.
    The group made headlines in when they were somehow allowed by Rome authorities to hold a lavish funeral for the family patriarch, Vittorio Casamonica, that included a horse drawn carriage.

    Vittorio casamonica bio On August 20, 2015, in Rome, the funeral of Vittorio Casamonica took place – a boss of the eponymous clan with Sinti origins, with more than.
    Vittorio casamonica bio and wife The Casamonica crime family, a mafia-style organized crime syndicate that operates in and around Rome, has been blamed for a black coffin that was left in.
    Vittorio casamonica mobsters tional level, was the particularly lavish celebration of the funeral of Vittorio Casamonica.
    Vittorio casamonica bio wikipedia A veteran foreign and war correspondent, he has been on the frontlines for VOA in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon and Ukraine, and has reported, among other major.

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      Revered as the most senior member of the Casamonica clan, Vittorio Casamonica, was given a spectacular funeral after his death in August at the age of A large photograph of him dressed in papal vestments and bearing the slogan “The king of Rome”, was hung outside the church near the Italian capital.

      Armando casamonica record

    Los Casamonica aparecieron en los principales titulares en durante el funeral en la capital italiana del "tío Vittorio", cuyo féretro recorrió sus calles en un coche fúnebre dorado tirado.

    Vittorio casamonica funeral

    They threatened to dissolve her in acid. But Debora Cerreoni would not be cowed, and her testimony in Italy has proved decisive in exposing a new mafia -- the organized crime family.

    Casamonica villa

    Ces mêmes Casamonica qui ont célébré, le 20 août dernier, les funérailles «mafieuses» de leur patriarche Vittorio Casamonica, avec une clameur déconcertante. Les journaux italiens, même ceux «de gauche», parlent maintenant, avec une facilité consternante, du «clan Casamonica» et de ses «mille affiliés» qui «contrôlent» les.

  • Italy police keep peace at memorial for gangster clan head Questions are bring asked about why a lavish funeral for Vittorio Casamonica, a purported Italian crime boss, was allowed through the streets of RomeA brass.
  • Crime family leaves coffin in front of activist’s house, Rome ... Casamonica. La notoriedad de Casamonica rozó las estrellas en , con el funeral de ‘Tio Vittorio’. En la procesión a la Iglesia, además de las tradicionales carrozas negras con caballos, emplearon un helicóptero para lanzar pétalos de rosa desde el cielo en plena capital de Italia.
  • Lavish funeral a message that Mafia hasn’t gone away La familia criminal Casamonica, un sindicato mafioso del crimen organizado que opera en Roma y sus alrededores, fue señalada como responsable de un ataúd negro que abandonaron el domingo frente.